Saturday, February 7, 2009

Time Off

It is official I am taking 2 weeks off Drs orders (with my coaches support) to rest and restore my foot and resume training for my Half marathon. I did go to the meeting yesterday, to support my team!!

I am dissapointed in the time off but I do understand the need for rest, since my foot has become worse over this week. I was so pumped to start on this journey but now I feel stalled, I am just going to concentrate on my fundraising for now until I can resume my training.

On happy note Kassidy turns 4 tomorrow and we had a great party yesterday, we were surrounded by family and friends!! I still can;t believe that she came into this world 4 years ago, it feels just like yesterday that I was a very prego first time mom checking into the birthing center so excited to welcome her into the world. I can remember loading her into the car in the pouring rain (much like the weather yesterday) and Doug driving home on the surface streets just to be safe. It blows me away everytime I look at her, she is such a big girl now and will only get bigger and bigger on me. This is diffently the age I have enjoyed the most with both of my girls.


  1. Time off your foot doesn't necesarily mean time off training- if you are feeling stalled you could do your 30 minutes each day by doing arm weights or yoga, those would still totally prepare your body for the journey ahead while still allowing your feet the rest and you would be that much further along when you got to start back up.

  2. I have been thinking of breaking out the Wii fit and doing some Yoga, I might just do that.
