Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas and mixed emotions

I LOVE Christmas!! However for our household it comes with many mixed emotions, love and happyness of being together and the missing of Doug's mom and the reminder of Christmas of 2006, when Audrey was fighting for her life in the PICU of Children's hospital.

For those of you who have come into our life since then. Audrey was admitted into Children's on Dec 19th (her 2 month birthday) with a 103 fever and a white cell count of over 20,000. With in 48 hours she was went into respitority distress and was rushed into PICU where she was sedated and put on life support for 10 days. She was dianosed with RSV, which was very uncommon for a healthy full term baby to become as sick as she did, most extreme RSV cases like her's were results of preterm births, the drs called her the sickest RSV healthy baby they had seen. She fought with all she had and we got to bring her home on News Years Day 07.

I am forever greatful to have her home however more so around the holidays. Even if her fighting demenior drives me crazy sometimes LOL!!

This year has been really hard on Doug and I without Priscilla around, I know she is watching over us but I would much rather have her here with us. I hoping spending Christmas at the cabin this year with help lift and brighten our spirits this year.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rain Rain,

Stay as long as you want we need it LOL. The girls had a blast playing in the rain over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

My First Thanksgiving

ok so it was not my first Thanksgiving, but it was my first Thanksgiving cooking the entire meal. Doug and I were in the Kitchen on and off through out the day, it was a long process but it turned out great!!! We had Turkey, Stuffing, Yams, Green bean casserole, and Rolls.