Today clinic was on injury prevention, The gueat speaker was a sports medicine and fitness chiropractor, Rob Rich of Elite Care Chiropractic, he and his wife have both been praticipants with team in training and he believes in the cause we are fighting for. He talked about the most common injuries we as walkers would come across and the steps we can do ourselves to treat them. He also provides us with discounted visits if we need to go in and have a consult with him for our injury. He hung around to talk with poeple however there were several people waiting to talk with him once we were ready to start our walk so I decided just to give him a call this week to talk about my feet, instead of waiting to talk to him and starting behind on my training.
I had prepared for today's walk by getting the socks reccomended to me by my coach and attemting to prevent hotspots with mole skin, however 1/2 mile into the walk it was very apperent that neither of my new plans were going to work, my feet had become so hot the the mole skins started to slide around my feet. The new socks made my feet sweat horribly. We made a quick stop at the restroom and I removed my mole skins and we were off again. It was not long before I could feel the hot spots forming.
I pushed on and we made it down to the trail start and Jenn turned around so she would not cause futher issues with her knee. By this time Coach Cheryl had caught up with us and she continued on with me. We talked about my toes and my hot spots and how she too battles issues all the time, it was very nice to hearthat even my coaches have issues that they continue to deal with and that I am not a wimp or in horrible shape because I am battling my own issues. We also talked about life in general it was nice to get to know her on a personal level. My feet were on fire at this point but I pushed on. We came accross a fellow teammate who was not feeling well so Cheryl transfered to her and I pressed on ahead of them. We made it to the aid station I grabbed a shack bar and some power aid and headed to the turn around.
I found a fellow tammate who was solo and we started the return trip to the start/finish point. Her pace was slower then mine but at this point I was happy to slow down since my feet felt like they were the tempature of the sun. We talked the whole program, she had just started last week and really didn't know how everything was supposed to work. This was a nice distraction for me. We plugged along and reached the finish line. I made all 7 miles!!!! I was supper stoked and only have a blister and a hot spot to show for it. I did talk to some other people about my hot spot issues who gave me some ideas and I still have to try the glide recommenation from Gina as well so I have some things to test out this week to see what works and what does not.
I got to spend the afternoon with my family, which included a trip to get the girl's haircut. This was a big day for Audrey, it was her first haircut, yeas at the age of 2.5 Audrey finally has enough hair to accually get it cut (mostly for a cleaner look). She really loved it and did a great job.
Tonight I got to go out for a girl's night out with some friends, Amber, Teri and Sarah. We meet at a Casa De Pico in La Mesa for some great Mexican food and yummy Maragritas. It was so great to get out of the hous with out the girls and just sit and talk with my friends over dinner. We talked about many things and random things :). It was a great night and we promised to continue the dinner out on a monthly basis.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sea World
Today I took the girls to Sea World for free thanks to all the hard work my wonderful hubby does for them. We also got the bring Papa and Amber and Madi with us, all three girls had a great time and it was great to get to hang out with Amber. We spend a little over 3 hours there so I m pretty sure I get my 30 minutes of easy walking in. We say the Blugas, polar bears, played in the Play area, watched the Shamu show, went to the tide pools and the turtles. It was a busy trip but the girls were all pretty well behaved.

I am currently working on my second batch of Fundraising letters to go out tomorrow to my mom's address list. So if you haven't had a chance and can help me with my fundraising goal please click on the Team in Training Logo on the top of this page and donate now. Any amount no matter how small will help me to reach my goal.
I am looking forward to my training session tomorrow we are having ainjury prevention clinic and then will be walking our 7 miles, my personal goal will be 6 miles (1 more than last week). We are repeating 7 miles next week so I will be back on track for training with my team!
I am currently working on my second batch of Fundraising letters to go out tomorrow to my mom's address list. So if you haven't had a chance and can help me with my fundraising goal please click on the Team in Training Logo on the top of this page and donate now. Any amount no matter how small will help me to reach my goal.
I am looking forward to my training session tomorrow we are having ainjury prevention clinic and then will be walking our 7 miles, my personal goal will be 6 miles (1 more than last week). We are repeating 7 miles next week so I will be back on track for training with my team!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Yesterday was a busy but great day. I dropped Pepper off to get spayed, dropped the girls off at school, and got to Lake Murry for my walk. I stopped by the little girls room then put some kick ass music on an started my run keeper and started out for my 30 minutes. I learned 3 things on my 30 minutes out, I can't drink 24 ounces of water and a cup of coffee before my walk without having to stop 3 times in an hour to pee, and my run keeper stops if anything else is accessed on my iphone and I feel like a dork when I try to work on power walking. I also learned a couple of things on my 30 minutes back to the car, my new socks do not prevent my toes from going numb or prevent the forming of blisters (I have a nice size one on the ball of my foot). Even with the blister and the numb toes I had an overall good walk.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Shopping Shopping Shopping!!!
The plan for today was to get the girls to school and get over to Road Runner to finish up my shopping for my training, then get in my 60 minute walk. However in reality I spent way more time at RR than I had planned so I took today as a rest day and will get my hour walk in tomorrow.
My time at Road Runner was mostly consumed by trying on about 6 different bras trying to find one that I like , as well as some clothes that were on clearance. It was all a little over whelming but in the end I did find one that I really like, of course it was the most expensive one but it rocks for support! I also was able to find a pair of pants and a pair of shorts that were on clearance, so that will help with the fact I only had 1 pair of capris and 6 days of training a week. It will also help with the cold mornings since I just found out that starting next week we will be starting our Sat training at 6:30 AM!!!!
I was a little annoyed when I went to check out the hydrations packs and was unable to find the one I wanted and was told that they didn't have any in the back and the guy was unsure on when they would be in, the pack and the bra were the 2 things I really needed but I continued with my shopping. I got the socks my coach recommended for me as well as some glide that Gina recommended for my feet as well. I also picked out a Water bottle that my friend Amber has to help me stay hydrated throughout my day, which I used to day and I love it!!!! I also picked up some gel packs, shot blocks and a small power bar by Luna to try out.
In a last ditch effort to try and find out if there was anyway to figure out when more of the hydration packs would be in I asked the check out clerk and he asked it they carried the one I wanted online because they have a way to track those items, it is online so he sent me to another clerk who looked it up on the computer and low and behold they had 12 in the back, I was innoyed (I had already checked out) but happy that I would not have to return for it later in the week.
Since I wasn't going to have time to walk I made a quick stop at Good feet to return my insoles that never worked out for me. Then it was home for lunch and a quick shower before I was off to work.
I am looking forward to testing out my new supplies tomorrow, here is to comfy socks helping my toes and a hydration pack that is comfy as well.
Here is the Hydration Pack I purchased:
My new water bottle:
The gels:
and the shot blocks:
My time at Road Runner was mostly consumed by trying on about 6 different bras trying to find one that I like , as well as some clothes that were on clearance. It was all a little over whelming but in the end I did find one that I really like, of course it was the most expensive one but it rocks for support! I also was able to find a pair of pants and a pair of shorts that were on clearance, so that will help with the fact I only had 1 pair of capris and 6 days of training a week. It will also help with the cold mornings since I just found out that starting next week we will be starting our Sat training at 6:30 AM!!!!
I was a little annoyed when I went to check out the hydrations packs and was unable to find the one I wanted and was told that they didn't have any in the back and the guy was unsure on when they would be in, the pack and the bra were the 2 things I really needed but I continued with my shopping. I got the socks my coach recommended for me as well as some glide that Gina recommended for my feet as well. I also picked out a Water bottle that my friend Amber has to help me stay hydrated throughout my day, which I used to day and I love it!!!! I also picked up some gel packs, shot blocks and a small power bar by Luna to try out.
In a last ditch effort to try and find out if there was anyway to figure out when more of the hydration packs would be in I asked the check out clerk and he asked it they carried the one I wanted online because they have a way to track those items, it is online so he sent me to another clerk who looked it up on the computer and low and behold they had 12 in the back, I was innoyed (I had already checked out) but happy that I would not have to return for it later in the week.
Since I wasn't going to have time to walk I made a quick stop at Good feet to return my insoles that never worked out for me. Then it was home for lunch and a quick shower before I was off to work.
I am looking forward to testing out my new supplies tomorrow, here is to comfy socks helping my toes and a hydration pack that is comfy as well.
Here is the Hydration Pack I purchased:

Monday, February 23, 2009
Family Day
Yesterday was family day we made a trip to Alpine to visit my mom. She is looking great and doing very well with her recovery. She is still on a walker but is getting around the house well and doing her physical therapy 2 times a day so she expect her to be on a cane in the next week or two. She has impressed the nurses and PT with her recovery rate. She goes in on Thus to get her staples out (she will be very happy to be able to take a shower).
As far as training yesterday was 30 minutes of easy walk or cross training and I didn't get a chance to walk so Doug and I popped in a beginners yoga DVD we have had forever and half way through we remembered why we don't do the DVD it is horrible, it moves way to fast for our liking. So if anyone has a recommendation for a Yoga video let me know. Anyways I mustered through it but was not really happy with the work out.I am pretty sure I am supposed to feel more centered and relaxed after yoga, however I was annoyed and disappointed in the end.
Today I did a 30 minute easy walk and found it to be harder than my 5 miles on Sat, I think this is due to walking alone and the constant playing of my to do list though my head as well as my feet bothering me from Sat walk that seemed to keep me from enjoying my walk today.
Tomorrow I am going to Road runner sports to finish up my shopping. On my list is, a Hydration pack, some gel packs, mole skin, new socks, a sports bra or 2 and possibly another pair of pants. Tomorrow is also a 60 minute easy walk for me as well (I have switched my T and W due to work) I am planning on walking after my shopping trip to prevent the list in my head once again.
I am always working on my fundraising so if you have not had a chance to donate please stop by my fundraising site: Thanks in advance!!!
As far as training yesterday was 30 minutes of easy walk or cross training and I didn't get a chance to walk so Doug and I popped in a beginners yoga DVD we have had forever and half way through we remembered why we don't do the DVD it is horrible, it moves way to fast for our liking. So if anyone has a recommendation for a Yoga video let me know. Anyways I mustered through it but was not really happy with the work out.I am pretty sure I am supposed to feel more centered and relaxed after yoga, however I was annoyed and disappointed in the end.
Today I did a 30 minute easy walk and found it to be harder than my 5 miles on Sat, I think this is due to walking alone and the constant playing of my to do list though my head as well as my feet bothering me from Sat walk that seemed to keep me from enjoying my walk today.
Tomorrow I am going to Road runner sports to finish up my shopping. On my list is, a Hydration pack, some gel packs, mole skin, new socks, a sports bra or 2 and possibly another pair of pants. Tomorrow is also a 60 minute easy walk for me as well (I have switched my T and W due to work) I am planning on walking after my shopping trip to prevent the list in my head once again.
I am always working on my fundraising so if you have not had a chance to donate please stop by my fundraising site: Thanks in advance!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
5 Miles baby!!!
I did it I made it 5 miles today on my walk!!!!
My morning did not start out very well, It started with the freeway I took to get there being closed (which I did not know until I was already on it and had to be detoured back down to the freeway that was on) then I got lost trying to find the parking lot where we were meeting. However, the morning did turn around once I did find the team and we started our meeting. We had a presentation from another walk team coach. She presented our team animal, a golden lab in honor of her old golden retriever who had blood cancer and recieved a trial drug that gave her 8 more months of life her prognoses was only 3 weeks without. Our golden's name is star and she will be visiting each of us for a week at a time over our training.
We headed down to the track to do our timed mine however once there we discovered that the track was occupied and we were unable to do our time mile. We returned for our form clinic and were off for our walk. Today's goals for half marathoners was 6 miles however due to my taking 2 weeks off I was sure this was not a great goal for myself, I set a goal to complete 4 miles today. Our walk route consisted of the loop of UCSD which was 3 miles and then the course continued on the the main roads of La Jolla. We started off strong, including my toes however about a mile into the walk my toes went numb but I continued on. Jenn and I trugged along until we hit the hill and Jenn's knee acted up (she thinks she injured it on thusday) we pushed on and completed the loop (3 miles) and a mentor who was walking with us sufggested Jenn call it a day and she returned to the start point but I decided to push on numb toes and all. I caught up the a group in front of me and continued on. Then something surprizing happened the feeling in my toes started to return and then was back and forth with the feeling and numbness. We reached the 4 mile turn around and I was feeling great so I decided to push on with my group. I pushed on and made it to the 5 mile turn around and was ready to turn around knowing I still had a mile to head back to the start finish line. We made it back to the start finish line and did some streaching and refueled with water, power aid and a bagel.
I am very excited with my walk today and I am looking forward to getting back on track with the training set out by TNT.
My morning did not start out very well, It started with the freeway I took to get there being closed (which I did not know until I was already on it and had to be detoured back down to the freeway that was on) then I got lost trying to find the parking lot where we were meeting. However, the morning did turn around once I did find the team and we started our meeting. We had a presentation from another walk team coach. She presented our team animal, a golden lab in honor of her old golden retriever who had blood cancer and recieved a trial drug that gave her 8 more months of life her prognoses was only 3 weeks without. Our golden's name is star and she will be visiting each of us for a week at a time over our training.
We headed down to the track to do our timed mine however once there we discovered that the track was occupied and we were unable to do our time mile. We returned for our form clinic and were off for our walk. Today's goals for half marathoners was 6 miles however due to my taking 2 weeks off I was sure this was not a great goal for myself, I set a goal to complete 4 miles today. Our walk route consisted of the loop of UCSD which was 3 miles and then the course continued on the the main roads of La Jolla. We started off strong, including my toes however about a mile into the walk my toes went numb but I continued on. Jenn and I trugged along until we hit the hill and Jenn's knee acted up (she thinks she injured it on thusday) we pushed on and completed the loop (3 miles) and a mentor who was walking with us sufggested Jenn call it a day and she returned to the start point but I decided to push on numb toes and all. I caught up the a group in front of me and continued on. Then something surprizing happened the feeling in my toes started to return and then was back and forth with the feeling and numbness. We reached the 4 mile turn around and I was feeling great so I decided to push on with my group. I pushed on and made it to the 5 mile turn around and was ready to turn around knowing I still had a mile to head back to the start finish line. We made it back to the start finish line and did some streaching and refueled with water, power aid and a bagel.
I am very excited with my walk today and I am looking forward to getting back on track with the training set out by TNT.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Enjoyment and Dissapointment
The family is finally feeling better, the girls were able to go to school yesterday. So we headed out to get them there by breakfast and learning time. We got them dropped off and settled in then I was off for my walk. I headed to the park not to far from the girls' school, it provides a flat walking area for my toes. I was excited to see what my 2 weeks off was going to result in for my toes. I grabbed my phone and I was off hoping for the best. I felt great to get out and walk again, I kept it slow at first I was happy with the results, I could still feel my toes and was feeling great so I started speeding up the pace. I was happy for a while until it started again, that same feeling, it starts with the feeling that my sock has bunched up under my toes, which is very innoying and then leads to my inner toes loosing their feeling. I'm dissapointed in the results, however it did take longer for for them to fall asleep than before the rest period. I am putting a call into Dr. Miles (my chiro) to discuss the next steps. I am planning on walking today and attempting my walk tomorrow with TNT, we are having a form clinic followed by a timed mile then a 5 mile walk at UCSD.
The girls and I are headed to the park this morning for some outside fun and a picnic lunch.
The girls and I are headed to the park this morning for some outside fun and a picnic lunch.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
End of an Era
I have recently been informed my a dear friend that he is shutting down our website he created 10 years ago for our group of friends to communicate while we were in college and after as most of us left Santa Cruz after graduation. While I have been expecting this to happen soon, we have been using it less and less do to the internet finally catching up with as and providing us with other sources to keep in touch (ie Facebook). It seems to have affected me more than I expected, while I completely understand the reasoning behind the shutdown it almost feels like that part of my life is closing with it. The site has so many great memories with it, college gatherings, everyones graduations, engagements, weddings, baby announcements and much much more!! I will be sad to see it go but it is time.
Our household is still recovering from the flu, it hi us very hard this year. Doug and I were down for days and are just getting back into the swing of life again over teh last couple of days. Now Kass has been fighting a fever for the last couple of days, not sure if she has the flu or just picked up a strong cold, she did receive a flu shot this year however from what I hear they did little good this flu season.
I am happy to report that mom's surgery went really well last thusday and she is home and is able to get around the house with her walker. Lance is assisting with her physical therapy twice a day and taking geat care of her and the house along with working as well.
I am looking forward to the restart of my training, I am planning on doing an easy 30 minutes tomorrow, with or without the girls, I am really hoping Kass is fever free tomorrow and can go back to school, we all need to get back into our routines. I am worried about my foot and hope this rest has done it some good and I won't have the numb toes on tomorrow walk, fingers crossed.
On the weight note I ahve lost 5 lbs this last week for not being interested in food or able to keep it down, not the way I had planned on loosing the first 5 lbs but I will take it non the less. I plan on keeping it off and loosing more by staying within my points and following my walking schedule.
My fundraising continues, to all of you who have donated a HUGE thanks and those who have not gotten a chance please stop by my site and check it out:
Till tomorrow
Our household is still recovering from the flu, it hi us very hard this year. Doug and I were down for days and are just getting back into the swing of life again over teh last couple of days. Now Kass has been fighting a fever for the last couple of days, not sure if she has the flu or just picked up a strong cold, she did receive a flu shot this year however from what I hear they did little good this flu season.
I am happy to report that mom's surgery went really well last thusday and she is home and is able to get around the house with her walker. Lance is assisting with her physical therapy twice a day and taking geat care of her and the house along with working as well.
I am looking forward to the restart of my training, I am planning on doing an easy 30 minutes tomorrow, with or without the girls, I am really hoping Kass is fever free tomorrow and can go back to school, we all need to get back into our routines. I am worried about my foot and hope this rest has done it some good and I won't have the numb toes on tomorrow walk, fingers crossed.
On the weight note I ahve lost 5 lbs this last week for not being interested in food or able to keep it down, not the way I had planned on loosing the first 5 lbs but I will take it non the less. I plan on keeping it off and loosing more by staying within my points and following my walking schedule.
My fundraising continues, to all of you who have donated a HUGE thanks and those who have not gotten a chance please stop by my site and check it out:
Till tomorrow
Sunday, February 15, 2009
House of Flu
Well the flu has hit our house this past week, which is the reasoning behind the the silence of the blog. I am looking forward to this next week feeling better, restarting my training and getting back on track for the half marathon. I am off to bed I will post more tomorrow ( the girls and I will be home due to the holiday).
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So the resting of the foot continues, I am happy to report that the pain I was feeling has subsided, as far as the numbness goes that has yet to be determined (since it only occurs while on a distance walk). I will be testing the out my foot in my new shoes and new semi custom insoles starting next Tuesday.
I am happy to report that Madi's surgery went really well on Monday. I just got off the phone with Amber and they are going home today (as soon as she can pee). The drs have been very pleased with her recovery. You can read more on her blog:
I am not really in the writing mood today, I am fighting some type of bug (pretty sure it is the flu since Doug came down with it yesterday. I also need to go get ready for work, today is a modified day at Rio which means an early start for us today and can make for a long day for us, which I am hoping to make it through today.
Mom's hip replacement is still scheduled for tomorrow, we are still waiting on the time. I will be headed to the hospital (if I am feeling well of course) to sit untill she is out of surgery. I will be sure to post tomorrow once she is in recovery.
I am happy to report that Madi's surgery went really well on Monday. I just got off the phone with Amber and they are going home today (as soon as she can pee). The drs have been very pleased with her recovery. You can read more on her blog:
I am not really in the writing mood today, I am fighting some type of bug (pretty sure it is the flu since Doug came down with it yesterday. I also need to go get ready for work, today is a modified day at Rio which means an early start for us today and can make for a long day for us, which I am hoping to make it through today.
Mom's hip replacement is still scheduled for tomorrow, we are still waiting on the time. I will be headed to the hospital (if I am feeling well of course) to sit untill she is out of surgery. I will be sure to post tomorrow once she is in recovery.
Monday, February 9, 2009
For Kassidy and Madieline
Today's blog is dedicated to Kassidy and Madieline.
My big girl turns 4 today I cannot believe that it was 4 years ago already time really does go by fast.
Madi goes in for her 3rd (and hopefully last) Surgery today. They will be doing the same surgery they preformed the day they discovered the cancer, although today they have had more time to prepare and she is older and stronger, it is still a scary surgery.
My big girl turns 4 today I cannot believe that it was 4 years ago already time really does go by fast.
Madi goes in for her 3rd (and hopefully last) Surgery today. They will be doing the same surgery they preformed the day they discovered the cancer, although today they have had more time to prepare and she is older and stronger, it is still a scary surgery.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Time Off
It is official I am taking 2 weeks off Drs orders (with my coaches support) to rest and restore my foot and resume training for my Half marathon. I did go to the meeting yesterday, to support my team!!
I am dissapointed in the time off but I do understand the need for rest, since my foot has become worse over this week. I was so pumped to start on this journey but now I feel stalled, I am just going to concentrate on my fundraising for now until I can resume my training.
On happy note Kassidy turns 4 tomorrow and we had a great party yesterday, we were surrounded by family and friends!! I still can;t believe that she came into this world 4 years ago, it feels just like yesterday that I was a very prego first time mom checking into the birthing center so excited to welcome her into the world. I can remember loading her into the car in the pouring rain (much like the weather yesterday) and Doug driving home on the surface streets just to be safe. It blows me away everytime I look at her, she is such a big girl now and will only get bigger and bigger on me. This is diffently the age I have enjoyed the most with both of my girls.
I am dissapointed in the time off but I do understand the need for rest, since my foot has become worse over this week. I was so pumped to start on this journey but now I feel stalled, I am just going to concentrate on my fundraising for now until I can resume my training.
On happy note Kassidy turns 4 tomorrow and we had a great party yesterday, we were surrounded by family and friends!! I still can;t believe that she came into this world 4 years ago, it feels just like yesterday that I was a very prego first time mom checking into the birthing center so excited to welcome her into the world. I can remember loading her into the car in the pouring rain (much like the weather yesterday) and Doug driving home on the surface streets just to be safe. It blows me away everytime I look at her, she is such a big girl now and will only get bigger and bigger on me. This is diffently the age I have enjoyed the most with both of my girls.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Amsome new shoes + still numb toes= frustration
I was so excited to get my new shoes on Monday. I did test them on a level walk and had no more luck with the toe issues they are accually going numb sooner and I am now having pain at the nerve site as well. Major bummer and aggravating for me. So I called my Chiropractor (who also is really into sports med. and made an apt for this morning. We talked about what I have been doing to address my foot issues (took a look at my insoles from good feet) and he agreed with the dianosis from my Ped however disagreed with the need of $400 insoles he worked with me to correct my posture and address my nerve issues with semi-custom insoles that he is confidant will prevent my issue however it will not fix the irration that I have now and that the only thing I can do to fix the current pain and numbness is to take 1-2 weeks off, advil every 6 hours and ice it every oppurnity, not sure what to do about the training thing, I will have to consult my coaches on that one. He said that training will just continue to irrate the nerve and make matters worse. Which I do believe due to the fact that after 5 hours on my feet today at work with no training (it was a rest day) my foot hurts this evening :(
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Movin Shoes and 30 minute walk
Yesterday's activities consisted of a trip to Movin shoes and a 30 minute easy walk. With Kassidy's birthday party being on Saturday and TNT's training consisting of a 4 mile walk then a shoe clinic it is very unlikely that I will be able to stay for the shoe clinic so I approached the couches last Saturday and discussed my options and they encouraged me to head into Movin Shoes this week and they would could help me find my shoes so I wouldn't have to attend the shoe clinic on Saturday.
So I dropped the girls off at school in the morning for breakfast and headed to Movin Shoes. I was surprised to find it ina strip mall that I have been in over the years and never noticed it was there. It is a small store but had a large slection of shoes. I approached the man behind the counter and explained that I was fro TNT and couldn't stay on Saturday for the clinic. He asked me a few questions, what size my current shoes were, if I was running or walking and if I had any complication, we discussed my toes and he had me walk in my current shoes outside where he accually squatted down to watch me walk. He headed to the back and pulled out 2 shoes and I tried them on and walked in each we discussed how they felt ( I was impressed with the fist pair so we kept them out and he pulled a couple more. We continued this until I tried on 6 pairs until I found 2 that I liked and her had me try one of each of them on and I was blown away at the difference in them when I had them on at the same time. I fell in love with a pair of Brooks, they accually felt like the shoe was a part of my foot not that I was wearing a pir of shoes. He gave me my discount and I paid for them (101 and change) yeh that it on the pricy side however Movin shoes allows you to exchange them as many times as it takes to find the right shoe, this will be really important as I am still dealing with my toes issue.
I headed home for their test drive, I was getting ready for my walk and the dogs were looking at me with their sad eyes so i decided to take them along. I will so never do that again, my 30 minute walk turned into a 20 minute walk pulling on leashes every 2 seconds so they would move again. As we made it around the loop at my house, my toes did go numb and the dogs were panting so hard that we stopped after 18 minutes. I of course am innoyed again by my toes, they did not go numb on Sat in my good feet insolses on flat ground but did in my new shoes on hills yesterday so I am going to have to test them on flat ground which is my goal today. Due to my early start times on Wednesdays I am going to move my "rest day" to Wedsnesdays instead of today. So I am planning on testing my new shoes on flat graons today, I also have an apt with my old chiro (he does sports med) tonmorrow to see if he can help or refer me to someone who can.
I will try to post tonight with the reults of my flat walk test tonight
So I dropped the girls off at school in the morning for breakfast and headed to Movin Shoes. I was surprised to find it ina strip mall that I have been in over the years and never noticed it was there. It is a small store but had a large slection of shoes. I approached the man behind the counter and explained that I was fro TNT and couldn't stay on Saturday for the clinic. He asked me a few questions, what size my current shoes were, if I was running or walking and if I had any complication, we discussed my toes and he had me walk in my current shoes outside where he accually squatted down to watch me walk. He headed to the back and pulled out 2 shoes and I tried them on and walked in each we discussed how they felt ( I was impressed with the fist pair so we kept them out and he pulled a couple more. We continued this until I tried on 6 pairs until I found 2 that I liked and her had me try one of each of them on and I was blown away at the difference in them when I had them on at the same time. I fell in love with a pair of Brooks, they accually felt like the shoe was a part of my foot not that I was wearing a pir of shoes. He gave me my discount and I paid for them (101 and change) yeh that it on the pricy side however Movin shoes allows you to exchange them as many times as it takes to find the right shoe, this will be really important as I am still dealing with my toes issue.
I headed home for their test drive, I was getting ready for my walk and the dogs were looking at me with their sad eyes so i decided to take them along. I will so never do that again, my 30 minute walk turned into a 20 minute walk pulling on leashes every 2 seconds so they would move again. As we made it around the loop at my house, my toes did go numb and the dogs were panting so hard that we stopped after 18 minutes. I of course am innoyed again by my toes, they did not go numb on Sat in my good feet insolses on flat ground but did in my new shoes on hills yesterday so I am going to have to test them on flat ground which is my goal today. Due to my early start times on Wednesdays I am going to move my "rest day" to Wedsnesdays instead of today. So I am planning on testing my new shoes on flat graons today, I also have an apt with my old chiro (he does sports med) tonmorrow to see if he can help or refer me to someone who can.
I will try to post tonight with the reults of my flat walk test tonight
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Today was a great day. We all went on a ride around Lake Murry and I made it all the way to the end and back (that is a first for me in a really long time) The total distance is about 4 miles!!! However I am diffently feeling it tonight my ankles, calfs, and quads all hurt. I think I might need a foot rub tonight :)
I am going to get my shoes tomorrow and break them in with an easy 30 minute walk.
That is all for now the girls are asleep and I am looking forward to some quite time with the hubby.
I am going to get my shoes tomorrow and break them in with an easy 30 minute walk.
That is all for now the girls are asleep and I am looking forward to some quite time with the hubby.
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