Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Successful day

Well yesterday was a successful day. I gave blood for my mom without passing out (the last time I gave blood I did). I also stuck to eating well all day. I had a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, a bison burger for lunch (it is surprizing good for you better than beef and chicken), and chicken with brown rice and green beans for dinner, and a fiber one bar and a yogert for snack. I have discovered that evening is my hardest time for me to stay on track, I find myself snacking (the fibar one bar did help with that issue).

I am planning on having another great day today. I am planning on Oatmeal for breakfast, tuna and crackers for lunch with a coke zero, and sloppy janes for dinner, with yogert, fiber one bar, and some popcern for snacks.

Here is to a great day!!

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