Thursday, January 8, 2009

I think I am finally on my way to getting my foot issue addressed, not by my Ped (who the way is a complete idiot of a dr) but by Good feet they have been working with me over the past month trying different insoles out to find the best fit for me. I also have an apt with a accurepressurist to strip the scare tissue away to help my foot heal.

I am getting excited about training with Team in Training for the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in May with my friend and walking buddy Jenn. Who lost 5 lbs this week! YEah Jenn!!! and have inspired me to start my weight loss goals offically next week (my birthday is tomorrow so next week is a better start time than the 1st of the year). I am going to pick up the extra Weight Watchers info she has and I have already purchased the Hungery Girl cookbook (which by the way I am totally inpressed with and can't wait to try some of those meals). I will be sitting down and planning out our meal for the next week (which I do anyways it will just take a little longer for now).

I am also looking forward to celebrating my birthday with my family tomorrow and then with my mom on Sat, weare going to go to lunch, to a movie (i need to pick still), grab a tea and ten we are headed to "Girl's Night Out" at my favorite Quilt Store, Memory Lane (you sign up, bring your own supplies but they provide dinner and a place to sit and socialize as you quilt till midnight). This will also be a lst hurrah for my mom as well for a while. She is having her hip replaced on the 22 of this month. This will be a hard journey for her but will be wonderful in the end. SHe will be able to play with her granddaughters, and won't be in constant pain everyday and night. I am looking forward to that day however I am worried about the surgery, it is a routine procedure however there are always things that can go wrong.


  1. You go, girl! A Team in Training rep just called me to confirm that I would be at the meeting on the 22nd and I told her yes, and that you would be there, too!

  2. Very awesome start to being officially, "in your 30's". I'm glad that you're going to be spending time with family and quilting. Holy crap I can't believe your Mom is getting her hip replaced. I'll be thinking of her.

  3. So what movie did you end up seeing? Best of luck to your mom during and after her surgery. You know, I still wear my night guard every night religiously because of her! I probably owe my straight teeth to her...
