Sunday, March 15, 2009


I had an apt with Karen, my muscle therapist on friday. She had done some research into my issue after our last session (she had a good idea after working on me), she established a excersize routine for me that included teaching how to reinline my hips by myself (which seems to be the sourse of my foot issues). She worked on me a little mostly on my right hip, leg and foot. We discussed my walk on Sat and she was in argreement with me in that my walk on Sat at Lake Murry and surounding neighborhoods was going to be hard on me and my feet, the lake is hilly and on a slant which causes your feet to work harder than a flat surface.

Yesterday morning was tough, I was not motivated like I normally am. It was really, really and pretty cold, I really didn;t want to get out of bed. But, I did the drive into Lake Murry was very weird, it was still dark and there are no lights at the lake. We signed in and had our meeting in the dark. The sun finally started to show it self during our streaches. We streached and we were off. The walk went well at first until the prep work I had done to prevent blistering this time, mole skin and taping, started to agrevate my right foot meditatsals and my toes went numb and then started to cause me a little pain. I made it to our aid station and sat down to pull them. Once I did there was instant relief and feeling back to my foot and toes. And I am happy to report that my right foot stayed numb free the remander of the walk. My left foot gave me some issues (that foot was still wrapped due to just loosing the blister off of it and I didn;t want to cause another blister). My back did start bothering me however it was the left side this time, and I am thinking iut was due to my back being in alighment and muscles that ear not used to working haveing to accually woking. The pain subsided once we were doane and I got a chance to streach out.

So I am happy to report even though it was a harder walk I did make it ALL 8 MILES!!!

I am sad however, because my walking buddy will no longer be with me on my saturday walks. Jenn has decided to leave TNT due to fundraising. She has joined a different walking team to train for the marathon, she is just planning on walking the marathon with myself and Gina and just quiting at the half marathon line (TNT partisipants are the only walkers who will have an offical finishline and ceremony). I will miss her on our Sat walks but we are going to try and do a walk together during the week and I am looking forward to marathon day for us to finish those 13.1 miles together.

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