Today was hectic at the center with last minute parents enrolling their students for summer, with some being new and needing assessments and several calls made to non-shows reminding parents that we were expecting them (some still came in others lost their time today). Other than that things went smoother than expected.
Our family had a new addition this weekend. the girls have been asking for their own pet for a couple of months now, we started the process with them wanting a hamster , I told them that hamster bite so they opted for a rat until they held one and found out they have pokie feet. Then we did more talking and researching which lead to a Genie Pig until they noticed they too have pokie feet as well. Then it was to Leopard geckos which we bought got home only to discover that even after a couple days to settle down that they were very aggressive toward handling. So they went back and we sat with an empty tank for a week while we thought and talked about what we wanted to do/get. We decided to head down to Pet Kingdom by the Sports Area where we talked the staff about what we were looking for and the young guy helping us reccomended a Bearded dragon. So he introduced us to their young dragons (about 6-8 weeks). I was amazed on how docile they were, they allowed all of us to handle them including Audrey (yes we were amazed she even wanted to hold them). They just hung out with us for the entire time we talked about them and care ect.. We already had most of what it would need form the geckos we just needed a couple different things. The girls picked their new pet and we picked up the few new things he would need. He is doing amazing and the girls love him.
here are a few shots of him with Kass on Sunday:

sweet! I love that the girls have a bearded dragon as their first pet. :) sooo cute