Monday, June 15, 2009

Inspirational me?

One of my closest friends, Amber, recently blogged that I am an inspiration to her. This was very touching, she made me cry when I read her blog. Her post has really stated me thinking about myself and what I do as well as how others see me. I get so caught up in daily life that I fail to see myself and the things I do as big things in my life.

I have been told by several people that I do to much for others and don't get anything in return. However they fail to see (and sometimes so do I) that helping people is who I am and what makes me, me. I get so caught up with work and not getting paid enough, as well as those few difficult students that I forget that I am changing over 100 students and 20 young adult lives through doing what I do. It is NOT just a job, I CHANGE LIVES. Some days I wish I had a 9-5 job that brought in more money and that I could leave in an office for the night and the weekend, however I have done those and I was sooo not happy.

I couldn't just do a marathon for myself, I was drawn to help others while I helped myself. I would rather give away things that we no longer need to those who do then sell them, and if i do sell them it is only b/c we really need the money. It tears me up to see homeless people with signs, I want to give them all money but it saddens me that you don't know which ones to trust, I do give them food if I have any to spare or buy them food if they are outside somewhere I am in purchasing it.

Helping: it is what I do and who I am. I am a nurturer, I don't think it is a bad thing, I think that one day when I need it most someone will be there to help me.

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