Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dancing Girls

The girls had their dance recital last week, they were so cute!!! The recital was a huge headache due to a very non organized dance teacher and the lighting was horrible but the girls had a great time and did an amazing job :). Here are a few pics from back stage before the show and a couple videos of their dances:

Posing for mommy:

Posing with their classmate Audilina:

Their new friends we made at Build A Bear earlier that day:

Julie the Rabbit and Annie the cat, they now sleep with the girls and go everywhere with us :)

Here are the videos the lighting was so bad they came out blurry :(

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danelle,
    Thanks for your comments on my blog.
    Your girls are adorable. I danced for years growing up. I can remember being that little and having recitals too. So cute.
