Well I did it!!! All 13.1 miles and I Rocked them!!!
Waking up at 3 am after tossing and turning all night was not my idea of a good start to my day however after splashing some water on my face and getting dressed I was pumped to start my day. I arrived at the exit for the parking lot that the particpants were parking in to find it backed up and stopped on the freeway (it was a good thing I gave myself a 15 minute cushion I used it all to get in the parking lot). They shuttled us in city buses to the start line where i found my team and visited, stretched and got pumped up for the the day. We then lined up in our corrals (yep I said corral we all joked that we had become horses) Our walk team was in the back corral 23 (they line us up according to estimated finish time) My partner and I lined up with my team, ready to get started. This is what it looked like from the back of the pack.

The start was great it took us 10 minutes to get to the start line (they had mentioned this to us). Then we were off and walking. The start was great, we were off to a great start. We were pacing at a 15 minute mile, which is fast for us so we slowed down, then it was time for a potty break, which after we were thankful for those first 2 fast miles since it took us 8 minutes in line for the potty. We were off and walking again, we passed through Balboa park, by the zoo, and into down town. where we caught up with a couple of our mentors, we decided to check in with them and they said we were doing great on time. We slowed our pace and continued on with them We passed Petco and onto Harbor Drive. One thing I noticed with walking the course is that the crowds were long gone by the time we arrived, however the bands and the cheerleadering groups (especailly the male cheerleaders dresses in drag) were still there cheering us on and it always seemed to come just as you needed that boost.
I met up with my Dad at mile 7 for a quick change of socks and a retape of my foot. This process took longer than desired and it took me a good 30 minutes of a very fast pace to catch up with my walking buddies again. However it was just in time to start the dreaded 163 segment of the course we had heard so much about. And boy were they not kidding. It was hard long slow hills that were on a killer angle, which of course I never noticed driving it every week the zoo.The 163 was tough on my hip and knee and just when I was getting really woarn mentally who would appear but those Drag Cheerleaders once again. They made me laugh and cheered us on and my spirits were lifted again only 1 mile left till we were doen with the 163 part of the course, I know I could mek that. As we exited the 163 I heard the crowd once again and they were there for us. It was the TNT walk team cheer crowd. YEAH!! Just over 3 miles to go. Friars was much easier than the 163 and the crowd was great. We pugged along and before I knew it our coached were in view at mile 13!!!
Then I see Lance and Audrey I brushed the tears from my eyes and she came out and held my hand and we walked. Then there was Kassidy running out to me (fighting back the tears again)

there was Doug and my mom taking pictures and Jenn (which was a wonderful surprize for me) and Gina (who had already crossed the finish line).

I left Kass with all of them and crossed the finish line with a huge smile on my face!!! YES I did it!!! My clock time was 3 hrs 57 minutes. My accual walk time was 3hrs 27 minutes at a pace of 17 minutes 27 sec.

The experence was amazing and I am planning on doing again soon!!!
I could not have done this without all of you, my friends and family with all the love and support you have given to me. I cannot thank-you enough, SO THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU for donating, pushing me, listening to me, reading my blog and all you have done to support me in my journey!!!!!