Sunday, May 3, 2009

6 miles Back down day

We had a back down day yesterday and completed 6 miles in preperation for our dress rehersal next Sat. where we will be walking 12 miles yep that is right 12 miles.

I have just finished reading my friend Apryl's blog and I have to say it is like she is reading my mind. I too have had a hard time these past few weeks with getting motivated to walk (run in her case). I have great intentions and motivation the day before and the next day I have none. My 6 miles on Sat were tourture for me my new insoles instanty activated my medatarsals and my feet hurt and were numb all at the same time. :(

They bothered and innoyed me the entire time, unlike before when they would go numb but never bother me and I continued on with enthusm.

I need to find that enthusm again or I am affraid I will loose site of my goal :( I am just not sure where to find it right now :(

Off to enjoy the remainder of the sunny sunday with my family! Doug will be off to Cochilla again tomorrow for the week.


  1. Only a few more weeks left- I feel so bad that I am here on the couch with this boot and not out there to train but I am cheering you on!

  2. I am trying to keep thinking positively and pushing myself. We only have a few weeks left. We can do it!!!
