Monday, October 27, 2008

Sick babies

Well ok so they aren't really babies anymore but both of my girls are sick. They have been fighting a nasty cold bug for the last couple of weeks (this is normal for them thanks to their daddy's small sinuses) but the bug one yesterday and they now both have sinus infections (also the norm) but this one is really bad :( and they were both up most of the night coughing and hacking, which leads to little sleep for this mama. Called the Dr. this morning and they wanted to see them so we spent 2 hrs there. and then it was off to work for me, home for dinner then off to fill the prescriptions for both of them and home after dark. So needless to day I didn't get my much needed and antisipated walk in today :(. I also didn't do my body well, I ate little and what I did eat wasn' t the best for me and I am feeling the results tonight.

But tomorrow will be a new day and it the girls are up for it, I am planning to strap them in their jogging stroller and we will walk early.

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