Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When did they get so heavy?

Is what went through my mine today as I pushed 60+ lbs up the local hills on my walk today. The girls were home sick today so I decided to take them on my walk today (the same on I did solo on Saturday). I didn't really notice that there were sooooo many hills on my walk Saturday but I defently noticed today as I pushed both girls in their stroller, pushing 60+ lbs defently made my walk more intense (which was good since we only made it 1/2 way when they were done and wanted to go home).

Today was a good day though I made it all day w/o a soda of any kind!!! YEAH ME!!!

I am leaving tonight on that good note, I am way to tired to dive any deeper tonight (2 sick kids = little sleep for mommy).

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sick babies

Well ok so they aren't really babies anymore but both of my girls are sick. They have been fighting a nasty cold bug for the last couple of weeks (this is normal for them thanks to their daddy's small sinuses) but the bug one yesterday and they now both have sinus infections (also the norm) but this one is really bad :( and they were both up most of the night coughing and hacking, which leads to little sleep for this mama. Called the Dr. this morning and they wanted to see them so we spent 2 hrs there. and then it was off to work for me, home for dinner then off to fill the prescriptions for both of them and home after dark. So needless to day I didn't get my much needed and antisipated walk in today :(. I also didn't do my body well, I ate little and what I did eat wasn' t the best for me and I am feeling the results tonight.

But tomorrow will be a new day and it the girls are up for it, I am planning to strap them in their jogging stroller and we will walk early.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I am feeling good today, I took a walk around our new neighborhood today, wow there are a lot of hills here, but I made it about 2.5 miles YEAH. I could have gone longer but the toes on my right foot were numb (that is my bad knee). So I am going to keep walking but I am making an apt to see the Dr for a physical and to see if she can suggest or send me to physical therapy to strengthen it correctly so I can make it the 13 miles on awake feet :).

I was really proud of myself this morning, I had made it back towards the house (the walk I planned is a loop 1.5 miles) but I decided that I could keep going and just walked on past and added 1 more mile to my route. I don't know how long it took me but Monday I will time myself to see how I am doing time wise (tomorrow is a rest day according to the schedule even though I just started I will take it off so I can start next week on schedule).

I ahve also decided to help my energy level I am going to be cutting soda out of my diet for the most part (I learned form Jenn that I am allowed a cheat day). Most of you know that this will be huge for me to do but I am confidant I can do it. I started today and I am doing well, the true test will be this evening.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Over the last few months I have discovered that I have lost the person I used to be. The confidant, opinionated, and self assured women I used to be. Don't get me wrong I love being a mother and a wife however I feel like that is all I am anymore and I have decided to start a journey to rediscover and re-event a new "D", a balance between, being a condfiant woman, a loving mom and wife. I have decided to join a dear friend, Jenn, in this journey. She has already started her journey and has been a great inspiration for me to start my our journey and blog about it as it has helped her. You can check out her blog at http://www.thewholejenny.com/.

A good friend of Jenn's just completed a Mathathon in SF, through Team In Training and she has inspired us to take thelife changing journey of training for the Rock and Roll half marathon here in San Diedo in May. I feel that this is jsut what I need to help me discover and redifine "The New D".

For those of you who don't know who Team in Training is they are a Non Profit group who trains everyday people to train for marathons, cycling events and triatholons in return for fundraising for Blood Cancer Research. This cause personally touches me for over that last 4 years I have been surrounded by people I know who have been effective by cancer, I can count 6 off the top of my head (2 of the 6 with a blood cancer). I feel that this journey is juat what I need right now.

While Team in Training does not start training and Fundraising until Jan. Jenn and I are starting our Journey and training now.

As part of my journey I am planning on blogging daily to help me sort out feelings and track my progress and I grow through my journey.

Thanks for visiting and Thanks in advance for any support you will be giving me in my journey.
