Sunday, April 19, 2009

10.5 miles baby!!

I offically completed 10.5 miles on Saturday!!!!!! The walk was very difficult, I am still breaking in my insoles and I had not seen Karen to have her work on my feet in 2 weeks but I did it. I have much to do tonight to prep for a week of playing single mom (Doug will be out of town for work) so I will blog the details later :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay on the 10.5 miles! I know just how you feel about playing single mom- since Richard works the four long shifts he literally doesn't see Jack for four days (Jack is gone when Rich gets up and in bed by the time he gets home) and he only sees Tucker for a few minutes in the a.m.- I feel like a single mom all week because I do all the parenting/baths/breakfast/lunch/dinner/bedtime the whole time!
