Sunday, November 23, 2008

Foot Report

Well I was happily surprised by my visit to the Peditrist on Thusday. HE was very nice, asked a ton of questions and talked to me for quite a while and determined I have what is called Neuromas, it is the swelling of the nerve between the 3rd and 4th toes. This causes the numbness in my toes. The cause of this issue for me he thinks is a combo for 2 things my bad knee(which causes me to walk incorrectly) and and my very high arches which lead to little padding in the ball of my foot. The good news is that is fixable, it may take several attempts to fix the issue but it is fixable. He put me on advil every 6 hours for 10 days to help the swelling go down, metersal pads to put in my shoes to help cusion my foot, and instruction to brace my knee for training to help correct my walking. He doesn't see a reason that I can't do the half marathon as long as we can work together to fix the issue so I don't cause any futher damanage, this is possible if I contine to walk without addressing the issue. So we are going to work on fixing the issue over the next 6 weeks before the sign ups for Team in Training in January.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Goal Setting

I have been unable to meet my walking goal over the last couple weeks, since I recovered from my cold my toes have been getting worse :(. I tried the insoles with no luck so my Dr. did summit a referral for a Podiatrists last week. I was pleasantly surprised when the paper work from the insurance company came this weekend. I called them today expecting to be told the next open apt was weeks away, I was surprised again when they asked if I could come in today (I couldn't I had to work) however they did get em an apt for Thursday and I have to go have my foot x-rayed tomorrow so they could look at them on Thursday. I am still pretty sure that it does have something to do with my knee but I will wait to see what the Dr. has to say on thus.

Since I have been unable to do as much training as I have wanted to do I have decided to do some goal setting in other parts of my life I would like to work on as well.


1. Finish My Teaching Cred. by Jan 09
a. take first aid class
b. pass US const. test

2. Be proactive in the diagnoses and treatment of my foot and knee allowing me to train for the half marathon in May.

These are my 2 top goals for the remainder of 08 (wow I can't believe there are less than 6 weeks left in the year).

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

To The Overbearing smothering Mother of my 8th grader student:

I wish you could see how much you are damaging you daughter.

You show up at school everyday and check in with every one of her teachers you can track down (oh yeah the ones you cannot find are accually hinding from you), can you not see that this truely bothers her.

Then you walk her over the bridge or drive her across the street to our center where you treate her like a 2nd grader byt telling her to put down her backpack, take out her folder and give you her assignment calender so you can priorities her HW she is to do (b/c you don't think she can do it herself).

You then inform her loud enough so the entire center that she needs to fill out the calender during school time not after (which by the way I agree with) . You then belittle her some more which I focus away from b/c yes I do have other students who deserve my attention as well.

When I turn back aroung you are asking her over and over what is wrong with her and if she is sad today, what excatly are you expecting her to say? so she plays it safe and doesn't answer you. You leave it at that and leave her to her work finally after belitting her and smothering her for 20 minutes.

As soon as you hit the door you don't see the burden and weight lift off her shoulder as she gets to work where she is unfocused and off task most of the 3 hours you left her with us to help her though her studies. You then get upset (so my co teacher tells me) becuase she didn't finish what you wanted her to (which I know in my heart she didn't complete so you would overeact to just so she can get under your skin just the way you got under hers earlier).

You running to her rescue every time she fails a test or forgets to turn in an assignment getting the teachers to allow her to do make up work to raise her grade will only hurt her in the end. Not holding her accountable will truely hurt her in the long run.

You come to me for advise yet don't really listen to it or take it when you don't like hearing what I have to say and then telling me that you have every right to be involved in your daughters school work and have a say in what gets done when b/c you have social plans Thus day you don't want to have to cancel them b/c ____ doesn't have her HW or studing done for the week. I so wish you could her your self when you talk.

Well I have decided that I am done, done with all the drama you bring into my life. I am walking away I spend way to much energy on you for little reward. I have plenty of other clients who are 95% lees drama than you are, who's parents are happy and pleased with the level of attention and support they and their students recieve from us (less than 1/4 of what you demand). I am moving on to them I can take all the attention you demand for you not even for your child and help so many more students with the energy it takes jsut to please you.

(p.s I didn't send this to her or day anyting to her I just really need to vent, I can;t stand watching her distroy her daughter anymore)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

All Better

Well I am feeling better. Not 100% but close. I did have my drs. apt on Thusday which had disappointing results. She told me that my toe issues don 't have anything to do with my knee, which I know in my gut that she is wrong about but she seemed pretty sure of herself. She wants me to try insloes in my shoes first before she sends me to a pediestrist. So I will stop tomorrow and pick some up and see if they help or not we will see. If they do great, I will be happy that it will be that easy; however I do have my doubts that it will be that easy.

I am excited for tomorrow. I have a apt with a corrective eye surgery specialist tomorrow for a consulation on correcting my eyesight. I have been told by my eye dr that I am not a good canadate fot lasic surgery due to the shape of my eyes in compraison to the amount they would need to reshape them to correct my blind ass eyes LOL! However the FDA has recently approved a procedure called ICL (internal Corrective Lens). Basically it is a permanet contact lens that they insert on top of the lens inside of your eye. The procedure is more invasive that lasic however not real risky it is simular to cateric surgery. This procedure would correct my vision from 20/900 to 20/20 (yes I am that blind). I don;t remember what it is like not having to depend on glasses on contacts (I have depended on the since I was 6). I am very excited to see what the drs. say tomorrow, however this procedure is more expencive than lasik, and with it considered a cosmetic surgery insurance doesn't cover it. So we are still discussing if it can be done financially or not on our end right now or if it will have to be put off for a later time in my life.

I am also excited to start walking again even if it looks like it will have to be at the gym, since it has rained all day here today. I am excited to restart my training for the 1/2 marathon.

I have also decided to start working on other parts of my life as well on this journey to rediscover myself, more to come on that end right now I am loggin off ot spend so time with the hubby.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well I am still sick, and I do have to say this cold really sucks! I can generally function through a cold pretty well, but this one has really knocked be on my butt, I can't think or breath and my head is a constant fish bowl, not a good combo for trying to teach. I am plugging through but I have been lucky to have the energy to make it through the day so no walks for me this week so far :(.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Still Sick

Well I am not feeling better today but I have found something of myself this weekend that I had been missing, loosing myself in a good book. I haven't had much time lately to read couldn't tell you why LOL. But this weekend I was able to really able to get into reading and I remembered how much I really love reading. This is something I am going to make an effort to do for myself from no on.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sick babies=Sick mommy

This will be very short. Well after dealing with 2 sick girls all week it has now csught up with me, Now I am sick :(. So much for my 4 mile walk today, I can't take a step without my head pounding. I am going to rest this weekend and try to kick this thing quickly, so I can get back on track soon.