Saturday, December 13, 2008


So the holidays have gotten the better of me, I have not really found the time to train, however I have broken in some really good insoles and they seem to be working. Now that I can wear them for a decent time I need to do a test walk and make sure that they will work in a training situation. If not I guess it is back to the Drs. for custom insoles.

I love the Christmas season. I love the lights, shopping (as long as it it's the last week), the family all together (even knowing there drama that comes with it). I am excited for this year because the girls understand who Santa is and that he brings toys but they understnd more that christmas is Jesus's Birthday. They had their Christmas program this year and it was so cute, they did the manger scene, it was very cute. At the end they sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.

I have finished my christmas shopping and the decorating (even if Audrey doesn't think everything is where it should go and keeps rearaning the decerations). I am now eagerly awaiting this Christmas, my sisters and brother in law will be here and I miss having them around for the girls to grow up with, so I excited they will be here for the holiday. I am excited for Doug to have a few days off to spend with his family. I am also excited to watch everyone open their gifts, I do enjoy shopping and giving to others, to see the happiness on their face when they open their gifts, I would love to be able to give to all my friends and family (I wish money wasn't a issue).

I am counting down the days to my usual hectic b ut wonderful holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. I love love the holidays and they don't help with training at all. good thing january will be here soon.
