Sunday, December 28, 2008


As I sit here reflecting on the past year I feel I have made several steps toward find and rebalancing myself. My life has slowed down a bit and I am trying to make more time for just myself (like attending girls night out at my local Quilting shop). However, I have so many new goals I want to do over the next year I find it overwhelming, I'm not even really sure where to start my next years voyage. There are just so many things to do and finish, for myself as well as my family

1. finish my cred.
2. train for the half marathon
3. which to do so I need to fix my foot issues that are continuing to be an issue
4. loose weight and get in shape

My family:
5. keep up with the laundry (which I have decided is my arch enemy).
6. spend more quality time with my girls.
7. enroll them in dance classes.
8. Manage money better

As I list them it all seems over whelming. Life seems like a day to day race that I never seems to have enough time to finish. I want to enjoy my life but I don;t ever seem to find the time to do that. This Christmas seems to be a prime example of this. We have so many people who wanted to spend time with us we ended up having 5 different gathering between christmas eve and day, I felt like I hardly saw my husband or girls. I really find it hard to say no to everyone. I feel like we have to see everyone and with a multibranched family tree and the only branch with kids there are so many people who want to see/ spend time with us during the holiday. Next year we are slimming down the gatherings (not sure how but I have promissed myself that).

I am off to fit as many errands as I can before picking the girls up from school. I will need to think more on the goals for next year and come up with a smaller and more focused list and plan but not today.

1 comment:

  1. I am terrible at saying no too, and I know what you mean about the issues with family and feeling like you don't get to see Doug and the kids. It's really hard to balance everything.

    We need to make more time for dates (besides birthdays and anniversaries) and more time for ourselves.

    I'm not sure if being up at 1:45am sick counts as "me" time, but it's something, right?

    Good luck with all your goals. What I know of you is that once you put your mind to something you achieve it. I'm sure a lot of these things will fall into place, maybe not immediately, but certainly as the girls get older and you simply find you have a little more time.
